OK, So s Iv said before its important to be honest about everything on this blog even if the results are bad!
I went to the seaside as mentioned the other day and this was to be the worst day so far on this new eating plan. I had fish&chips, x1 doughnut and an Ice-cream BUT in the past iv been known to have SIX doughnuts so I look at that as progress. Quite understandably I felt Id let myself down that day BUT I had an amazing time at the seaside with my Boyfriend so I guess it was a small price to pay,.
the OLD Janette would have though 'that's it! iv let myself down now there's no point in this diet!' but the new and improved Janette knows that was only a small bump in the road that can be overcome by getting back on track immediately the day after.
So, yesterday me and my partner had a small salad for lunch and a large salad for tea, astonishingly we still felt satisfied and that we enjoyed it but it certainly had to be done to make up for the Seaside cheating.
Today, Andrew is back in the kitchen and we are having Octipus & squid stir-fry for lunch (now fat ofcourse) and then he's doing his home made low-fat chinese for tea. I love how he uses his amazing cooking skills to prepare healthy replacements for my fatty temptations. he's yet to produce a calorie-free chocolate cake but hey there's still hope yet LOL!
I'm even surprised to say I'm actually missing my exercise workouts. I love the structure they give to my day and love the feeling of achievement I get following a 1hour dance session on the Wii. Iv not been able to work-out since Friday because Iv been away visiting my Boyfriend & his parents but tomorrow I'm returning home and I'll be back on it. Tomorrow is also weigh-in day so watch this space for an update.
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