Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Update- New Year New Me

Myself and Andrew have been on the Weightwatchers Propoints plan for three weeks and are currently half way through our fourth. To date I have lost 11lbs since January1st which if Im honest i find totally amazing considering Iv eaten chocolate, cakes, sunday roasts etc. The beauty of the WW Plan is that you dont have to deprive yourself of all the tasty things you love and as long as you stick to your daily point allowance you really could have anything you desire.

I lost 4stone prior to 2010 and basically stayed the same weight for the past 18months so converting to the Weightwatchers plan and loosing that much weight in just a matter of weeks is absolutley brill!

Whats even more amazing is the fact that Iv suddenly turned into a Gym fan...fair enough I only go 1-2 times max a week but this is a far cry from the girl who used to shudder at just the thought of exercise. I actually enjoy it...I put on some music and have a Gym buddy who is a constant source of inspiration and encouragement. Basically, life is gooooood. Im on track for a fitter, thinner summer. Bring it on!

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