Thursday, 13 September 2012


Pink headband & top went down a storm!

Today's challenge was to accessories! This task in itself was very difficult as I work in a hospital setting meaning jewellery is a huge no no! So, instead I decided I would try out a pink bow headband Id saved for a spefcial occasion. How many times do we say that to ourselves hey? 'Oh I cant wear that for work' 'Oh Ill save that for something special' 'Its a little over the top for everyday wear'.... well my new philosophy on life and indeed fashion is that 'you only live once'!

Last night whilst laying out my clothing (yes I really am that organized) I started with a colorful pink headband which ordinarily Id have NEVER worn at work. Before I knew it I was trying on my entire wardrobe and wore something Id never have dreamt Id wear in the hospital; pink dolly shoes, shiny pink top and matching headband. I purchased the top from New Look back in July and apart from a night out it's remained in dormant ever since....poor thing.

Vintage feather accessory I recently wore.
Its impressive how the way your dressed will effect everything from your mood, your confidence even down to the way you walk. I received at least 5 compliments from our small team of staff which really gave me a glow which lasted the duration of the day.

Day one of the wardrobe challenge= SUCCESS!

What a difference a day makes hey!?


  1. Reading this made me smile. I love the fact that you are stepping out of your shell and rocking whatever the heck you want, whenever the heck you want! ;-) You look super cute in headbands and if you wear scrubs, bright accessories are a great way to spruce up an otherwise boring get up. haha Thanks for reaching out to me via Twitter however I don't see a Google Friends Connect option to follow your blog. Help! Kiah

  2. Hi Kiah,

    Sorry for the slight delay but Iv been busy working, you will now be pleased to know that at the bottom of my page you can find the Google friends connect option.

    Im really happy your loving Sweet Indulgence's new positive attitude. This week really has been so much better with my new outlook.

    Keep reading.

