Wednesday, 12 September 2012

My wardrobe challenge!

Being a plus size woman is hard at the best of times. Now combine that with my love for fashion and looking good and it becomes rather depressing due to the lack of choice out there.

Today I was doing going about my business and carrying out my typical searches on Google, Blogger and Pinterest when I came across a hidden gem of a blog.

The blog appropriatley titled 'TheWardrobeChallenge' is available through BLOGGER and started as a result of a story that most women can undoubtedly relate with;

" I tried to clean my shoe closet yesterday, and found shoes that I didn’t even remember having! Then I took a look at my wardrobe, and well, you can guess that it was the same thing there, even worse actually. So I decided that I will challenge myself and the way I dress, and that I will wear EVERY SINGLE ITEM in my closet at least once." 
I tell myself this every 2weeks when I have a clear out. Whether it be dresses, shoes, hair accessories etc I have lots of things I cannot even remember purchasing let alone the last time I showed it the outside of my wardrobe doors.  Although I do lay out my clothes the night before I myself like the blogger mentioned in this piece have become far to lazy and just throw anything on. I think my problems began when i secured a job working with Children in 2011.... as you can imagine Children do not appreciate nice clothing, delicate fabrics or lighter coloured clothing for that instead my work attire is durable and therefore not that glam. With this blog's inspiration and ideas I hope that i will revive myself from this fashion coma and embrace my love for pretty clothing!

Thanks to Hanna I'm now aware of several plus size clothing providers I knew nothing about this time yesterday! I find myself trawling the likes of Carmakoma & ASOS (Curv range) as we speak! I thought ASOS was for skinny girls....true story.

Both my bank balance AND my partner wont be so happy with my discovery however; I am well known in my circle of friends and colleagues for spending silly amounts of both time & money on clothing.

I have alot of spare time on my hands due to all my hours being clustered together at work so this new discovery has inspired me to find new outfits and perhaps even display a few on my blog for my readers to view.

Hannah! If you happen to be reading this, once again you are a god send! Why not check it out for yourself and have a look at some of the amazing pieces Hannah has put together:


  1. THANK YOU for this write-up :). I'm so happy to know that I can not only inspire myself to try new things and new shops, but others too <3. Please send my apologies to your bank account, since ASOS is definitely not only for skinny girls ;). Haha.

    - Hanna xx

    1. Your welcome hun! It really was my pleasure. You wont believe how much you've inspired me today and as a result made me lots of extra work. Iv decided to change the direction of my blog; itll still focus on my personal weight loss journey but will now have a more positive spin by focusing on making the most of what I have. All thanks to you. Ill keep in touch.

      Netty x
