Saturday, 11 June 2011

Are you pregnant?! Erm no!

A total stranger asked me the other day if I was pregnant...I dont know who was more embarrassed me or the person in question. This was just one of my many embarrassing moments as a fat chick. Below I have listed the others which I will never forget, some of which I look back on now and think OMG!

1) On a flight back from Tunisia the food tray would not come down as my large stomach blocked it from lying horizontally flat.

2) Getting into a friends car to find the seatbelt wouldn't fit.

3) In one mad binge I ate (on top of my three daily meals) four sausage rolls, 6 ham cobs & 2 chocolate bars.

4) Getting into a fight with my boyfriend over a Pizza, which I later drunkenly ate off of the pavement apparently!

5) Going to a BBQ and breaking a friends expensivly new patio chairs.

6) Being asked to move to the larger seats over the tannoy at Alton Towers theme park!

7) Throwing something in the bin to avoid eating it and the latergetting it out when no-one was looking.

All of the above, along side the support of my lovely boyfriend have now led me to make a big more failure, no more silly diet plans for me, just plain simple healthy eating and excersise.

Graduation is approx three months away and my aim is to lose no less than 28pounds....28pounds in 87days! Here goes nothing. Im determined to look fabulous in my university colours. Its not going to be easy but then again nothing worth having IS!

1 comment:

  1. 8. Eating a mcdonalds, chippy and kfc all in 1 day!
