Thursday, 23 June 2011

Back on the wagon!

Yesterday a few of you may or may not have realised I didnt blog at all which isnt like me. The reason for this was I had drastically fallen off the wagon. My lifes all up in the air at the moment, waiting to start a new job, packing three years of my life into tiny boxes and leaving University as well as trying to stick to this new eating plan.

I ate the healthy foods like my yummy strawberries etc but ALSO ate a 10" pizza (yes again) to myself. The funny thing is I dont really enjoy pizza, havent had one in absolutley ages and then I and have TWO in the space of 48hours.

My punishment? Well I dont think ill be loosing any more than 1-2pounds this week but im trying to remain positive because even a 1-2 pounds of weight loss will contrubute towards my overall goal. Ideally, Id love to look considerably different by Summer 2012.

Its important at this stage to 'get abck on the wagon' TODAY and not put it off till Monday as I usually do. Normally, one bad day in the life of a dieter can send them over the edge and back into their fatty food eating ways.

What makes it even harder is the fact Im not at home this week, Im in lincoln at the moment and then off to yet another city to see my boyfriend tomorrow for a few days, therefore my comfortable work out sessions onm the wii in the safety of my own home are nill. When I return on Monday I will have to start using the trampoline a little more to work off that naughty pizza.

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