Saturday, 11 June 2011

Bloody Americans!

Iv always been interested in documentaries and articles about obesity or health. Recently Iv begun watching a MTV serious called 'I used to be fat' which involves American teens who dedicate a whole summer of their lives to dropping between 3-6 stone. Today's episode wasn't the first where I recognised that the American's version of 'fat' is really distorted and down right stupid! There was a girl who was on the show measuring a size 14 and was so depressed blah blah blah! She had NO sympathy from me and personally I thought her trainers efforts could have been better used to change the life of some kid that actually had an inch of fat!

This American desire to be size zero actually disgusts me and even amazes me that guys would ever fancy that....surely one quick thumble in the bushes and that girl would snap in half!? I mean come on! I want to lose weight and be healthier but give me curves over bone anyday!

Its so confusing that theres no Universal definition of fat or obese as it quite clearly alters across the pond. Similarly, I hate it when you go into shops and a size 16 etc actually fits more like a size 10; this leaves women feeling shit about themselves and Iv noticed River Island are infamous for doing just this! No matter what size you are you should be able to go into any shop pick that size off the rails and EXPECT it to fit!

Rant over.....

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