I went to visit family for a day this week and whilst there ate Chinese, whoops...but I only get to see my sister about once a month so I wasn't going to turn down a sociable takeaway and rare sibling bonding session all for the cost of a few measly calories.
Tomorrow is Andrews Birthday so we had planned a trip to Birmingham (today) and have both been excited for week as they hold Europe's ever German Christmas Market...call us sad but we really love
events like that and getting the opportunity to taste different foods from all over the world etc. However, we haven't been able to go to evjoy the festive event as I have come down with a mysterious sickness/diarrhoea bug....Iv not had anthing to eat all day as the thought of food at the moment actually repulses me.
If I don't loose weight this week I am just going to throw in the towel because my poor tummy has NOTHING left in it thanks to this bug.
Tomorrow night we are going to Damon's to celebrate Andrews Birthday which will be exciting as Iv heard great things but never been myself, hopefully everything on the menu wont be calorific....
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