Friday, 6 January 2012

Chinese Temptation

I loveeeee Chinese foods....I could eat it until I burst (and often have). Monday was the first day on the new WW propoints plan and if I'm honest it wasnt as bad as I thought....I had a yummy breakfast, a roast dinner (all the stuff worked out into propoints ofcourse) and then even enjoyed lots of snacks here and there throughout the day. My biggest challenge came at 9pm when my a few of my family/friends decided to order a Chinese Takeaway from the best place in town.....between 4 of them they spent 40pounds so you can just imagine the volume of temptation that was present at the time. I was proud that id stayed strong and opted for my WW Pate and chopped salad bits and hope its something I can do again. My friend said 'Just have a Chinese tonight and start the diet tomorrow'.....thats something Iv heard probabley every day of my life since I got fat hahahha....I cant keep putting this 'new me' off until tomorrow because theres something yummy for dinner that night....its all about changing my mind, my eating habits and ultimatley myself. Next week I look forward to trying lots of new recipes out from the WW website with my other half as it'll be a fun exciting way to spend time together.

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