Wednesday, 1 August 2012

No gimmicks.....

Iv not blogged for a while because if Im totally honest I had given up for a while and resorted back to my old ways, here I explain why.

How ironic is this?....I track my progress each week on the Weight watchers propoints plan and I have stayed the same for several weeks. Admittedly, this has led to a negative cycle where by I think 'What's the point in depriving myself id I never seem to lose!?' However, after ditching Weight watchers for just a few days and taking responsibility for my own eating (not depriving myself though) I have lost 3pounds!

So! now plan is to do my own diet, designed BY me & FOR me. Each persons body reacts differently to certain eating plans and its taken me the best part of my lifetime to recognise my own limitations and what I have to cut out if I want to lose weight.

Returning home to visit my Mum after 6weeks she said that Id lost some weight, this made me realise that I DID want to lose weight and I DO want to succeed in this mission even if it takes longer than I first thought.

Life sometimes gets in the way of being TOTALLY healthy....I personally love going out for meals and use my passion for nice grub as a way of celebrating any major occasion in our lives; ie this evening we are out for a Chinese as my partner is taking his driving test. Many people might consider this an excuse but I have always refused to let a diet conflict with my own personality or way of life. 

My heart goes out to everyone on this same difficult path as myself because I know there are times when it gets really tough & you just don't know what to do with yourself. Stay strong and if you've had a bad day diet wise move on.....

1 comment:

  1. I recently just made the same decision. It is hard to be on a diet but making my own healthy meal plan seems to work a lot better. I changed from a diet to a meal plan and have already lost one pound. So good luck to you!
