Okay, Ill hold my hands up in guilt. Just call me Little Miss Procrastinator; I continuously say I'm going to do something. In my own defense I have got a lot better at carrying out my own plans.
Since meeting my Partner almost three years ago I have become way more productive in my every day life. I've become way more organized than I already was & completed tasks that had required my attention for some time. the tasks I have faced head on recently include:
1) Finally beginning drive lessons last year- Fingers crossed in come New Year I will be a fully qualified road user, Yay! This has been my dream for ever since I could remember only it never seemed that urgent considering none of my family have ever drove & Iv always used great transport links.
2) Learning all about the value of saving- I have been known to get a twitch even if I have a £1 coin in my blazer, I genuinely get a thrill from spending money & I'm beginning to think I actually had a problem with obsessively spending every penny whilst at Uni. 18months ago I moved to Sheffield with my lovely Boyfriend and we found a house together which meant I finally had to grow up, pay bills, call the gas company & generally be more responsible with my spendings. I am now proud to say that this year alone I have save over £2500 most of which has been spent on a once in a life time trip to LAS VEGAS baby! Only now at the age of 23 do I understand how satisfying it can be to save money responsibly and spend it on things that are more worth while.
3) Maintaining relationships~
Below are a list of areas I plan to be more proactive in during the next few weeks....
1) Further study~ I have wanted to become a Wedding Planner for as long as I dare to remember. For years I have researched the field and investigated appropriate routes to enter such a career and have now found a brilliant course which offers manageable payment schemes. Once upon a time there was one thing holding me back; fear of failure. Nowadays I am much more confident in my ability to pull this off as a profitable business yet i still find myself making excuses. This time last week there was only ONE thing holding me back; temporarily living with the In laws. I have been truely blessed that my Partner's parents are AMAZING; funny, kind and understanding. However, living in someone else's house whilst your trying to study for a new qualification can be difficult and distracting. Call me strange but when i study to complete this life changing qualification I want to sit at my own dining table (quite possibly in my PJs) where ideas can flow freely and as they wish, and almost certainly accompanied by a huge mug of Hot Chocolate. BRILLIANT News! We have found a new home 7 fingers crossed will be moving there shortly, Oh no I guess there's nothing holding me back any more. Note to self; enroll on to said course in November.
2) Pinterest~ For months I have been obsessed with collecting pictures/ideas from a social media site called Pinterest; basically its like Face Book but you can only share images instead of statuses and random ramblings. Here, I have collected lots of ideas in relation to home decoration, baking, new traditions & fun things to make but have yet to try ANY. What is the point in collecting if I'm not going to put any of these amazing ideas to work; my aim is to try 1 a week starting from November. November really is the month for change as this is when we will be settled into our new home.
3~ Meeting up with friends~ the area where we used to live had lots of great attributes; it was close to work, close to local amenities but most important of all was close to friends. Since living with the Inlaws we've missed out on lots of meet-ups & I personally have become a little sad about the situation. there was no doubt in our minds that when we finally located a new home it would HAVE to be closer to everyone. When we move I plan to have more people round, throw more random dinner parties and stop being such a boring recluse.
4~ Avoid the scales~ Many of you that read this blog will probably identify with my rather time consuming obsession with the weighing scales; generally I weigh myself 3 times a day which is rather silly. I plan to get rid of my scales entirely & simply depend on the old fashioned scales in boots where perhaps actually locating a machine and then paying £1 each time will deter me from this obsessive behaviour.
5~ Commit to more duvet days
I always say that I'm going to have a 'Duvet day' whenever I find myself with a day off, however housework and other things come first often meaning this is never really possible. As soon as we move into our new home the mission can resume and these Duvert Days WILL happen even if it kills me; these days will of course have an actual duvet (thin blankets need not apply), a selection of Disney DVDS & the sound of rain outside wouldn't go a miss either.
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