Saturday, 3 December 2011

Off the wagon: for NOW or for EVER?!

For the past week Iv eaten like a pig following a 4 day stomach bug where I basically ate nothing. I certainly made up for my lack of appetite the second those familiar hunger pains returned.
In total Iv If i'm honest with myself its been a bitter sweet experience...Iv LOVED enjoying all those forbidden treats but after 5 days of what can only be described as self mutilation (by food) Im beginning to feel like a fat cow in all of my clothes as the guilts finally become too much. To make things worse we've been doing a lot of travelling this past week due t some very welcomed annual leave and a visit to Lincoln Christmas market, whenever we travel I like to occupy myself with my magazines, unfortunately they're often full of celebs who have been on diets for a whole 5 months and lost about fifty stone (slight exaggeration).

I was convinced that after almost a week of 'old habits' I must have gained at least seven pounds! Much to my surprise I'v only gained THREE. I understand that Iv probably blown any chance of reaching my 16stone target by Christmas but that's not going to stop me from continuing my mission to fight the flab. Its clear to say that almost EVER dieter falls off of the wagon from time to time, unlike me many may never even want to 'get back on'!

For example, TOWIE star & CLOSER columnist Gemma Collins finally ly her diets to rest this week claiming she was the happiest she'd ever been and was simply going to embrace her own body, eat when she wants and what she wants. I can guarantee that if I took that attitude and made that decision I would have a one-way-ticket to an early grave. I LOVE my food and given the choice Id eat all day every day! Previously Gemma had shed the pounds going from a size 26 down to a size 10-12!...she looked AMAZING! However, the sad thing was that you could see on her face just how miserable her life was when sticking to a restricted calorie intake. I on the other hand am actually really happy when Im on track with my exercise and healthy eating regime, it makes me feel better about myself and I have heaps more confidence. I think there's something heroic about Gemma's way of thinking, its liberating to think someone with such a high status at the moment is unwilling to conform to stereotypes. Many other woman in celeb world have also joined Gemma in leaving the diets behind....Christina Aguilera has thrown out all of her old size 8-10 jeans and is fully accepting she's probably going to be a curvier 12-14 from now on. On the other hand, several people understand Gemmas drastic decision to be a sign of defeat and failure! Perhaps like millions of other women she's lost the weight, is now putting it back on at a fast speed and has simply hit a brick wall; this is a feeling I went through last week but after 5 days of sweet indulgence Im back stronger & more determined than ever!

So here's my question to you ladies out you think you could be happy with adopting Gemma's attitude and eating hat you want when you want?..

1 comment:

  1. Personally for me- the reason why I started to look at my eating was because I was not happy with myself. at my heaviest I was 22 1/2 stone.

    I am perfectly happy with my weight loss plan because, for me, it's not terribly restrictive. I don't have to eat half a tomato and a celery stick then starve for the rest of the day.

    I don't know if I'll be happy when I get to my target weight. I will only find out when I get there.

    There are lot of miserable people who are skinny, being a "perfect size/shape" (whatever perfect means) doesnt mean you're going to be happy.

    I might get to, say, a size 12 and go "you know what? I'm happy here." or I might get there and go "no, I don't like this- i want to aim to get back up to a 14". Either way I'll make that decision when I get there.

    Right now? I want to lose weight. I've lost nearly 6 stone and my target is another 4 stone (and a bit) away. I think one key to lose weight is to enjoy doing it. It's a part of your life, for however long, why make yourself suffer?

    *jumps off soapbox*

