Its a well known fact that whilst University you gain weight the majority of students gain a little weight; late night binges, drinking endless amounts of alcohol and generally being too lazy to exercise. Whilst studying \i was always the biggest of my small circle of friends but still there were others who were perhaps considered overweight in society. One girl in particular would constantly tell us about another faddy diet regime she was trying out, then try out said diet and become confused as to why she was NOT loosing weight. It didn't take an idiot to work out she was putting in the hard work at the gym but then returning from a boozy bender each night and scoffing a 12" Pizza to herself. After graduating I now stalk most people I spent my student years with via Social networking sites; the girl who liked scoffing lots of Pizza had drastically transformed from a Size 20(ish) to what I expect is now a size 8-10...WOW I thought.
This morning I read an internet conversation between Pizza girl and another University friend which basically revealed the extents that she had gone to so she could get her beautiful shape. Her diet is now basically made up of two tea and cheerios (Thats it!) Unrealistic perhaps?! Particularly unrealistic to anyone wanting to eat out socially...I cant imagine ordering a bowl of Cheerios of the Franky & Bennys menu can you? Even more unrealistic for me as I genuinely enjoy trying new exciting foods.
I have heard of people going to extreme measures to get the body they so madly crave but if I ever resulted to this restrictive diet I would without a doubt want to kill really IS a great love of mine. Even at my biggest I never really ate many takeaway convenient meals, I simply ate too much of the right stuff; pasta, bread, carbs in general.
So, you heard it here first...the cabbage soup diet may give you wind, the Dukan may be a royal pain in the ass but the 'Cheerio & Green tea' diet is a sure fire way to lose weight and never taste or enjoy great cusine EVER EVER again.
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