Wednesday 30 January 2013

Vintage love...

Welcome to our Vintage inspired loving home...

My love for everything vintage came on all of a sudden really byt its been ongoing since 2010. Its amazing to think that almist 2 years ago we moved in together with nothing more than a few cases filled with clothing and nothing more than a cutlery set ans a vase between us. Now after investing our hsrd esrned pennies and shopping for bargains I like to think iv created a warm welcoming home for us both to come back to at the end of a long day.

The vintage style is just comforting and warm, it brightens up any room and often makes me smile. This space we have created has quickly become my 'safe place' where I feel most chilled and at peace; I couldnt think of anything worse than returning home to a cold unwelcomed territory even though I do appreciate that some really have little choice.

I'm particularly in love with the pastel tones which make up my kitchen creating a country-kitchen feel. (See picture) My beautiful scales were bought as a house warming gift from my lovely friend, some people know me so well.

Recently Iv begun to realise how similar I am to my Mother; she is also very house proud and constantly planning new projects fir the family home.  A tidy home really does mean a tidy mind. Just like clothing, I think its important what a persons home sorroundings reflect a persons personality so why not experiment, have fun and plan only live once so why not live a life you want to live. The thing to remember when rrying to create your ideal liing space us that 'it can BE cheap but not LOOK cheap'!

It may not be very big and Andrew may have to kneel down in the shower (dont ask)  but for now its simply perfect. 

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